70 Wilson Lane #3
Vernon, CT 06066
Also any and all mail corespondence relating to this blog is accepted and encouraged. Thank you.
Whats going on here?
70 Wilson Lane #3
Vernon, CT 06066
Also any and all mail corespondence relating to this blog is accepted and encouraged. Thank you.
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit
Note: To play video messages sent to email, Quicktime@ 6.5 or higher is required.
Now i know this may seem odd, but if you could do me a favor and save some spare change and find your chain smoking friend and help my little recycling project.
if you are interested, email me at for shipping information or any other questions.
I URGE anyone who reads this entry to SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS! I'm working with very limited social and technological tools, so i need everyones help. Use facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, myspace, i dont care! Any help is accepted.
P.S. handmade sticker packs soon?
much love
Anyway, keep checkin back cause there will still be all kinds of new stuff. Thanks for reading and checking out my stuff!