

For a free copy of my CD under the name OHsaurus, "Lose Your Shoes;I've Got Some Blues", send a self adressed envelope (BIG ENOUGH FOR A CD PLEASE!) to...

70 Wilson Lane #3
Vernon, CT 06066

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Lol. Just checkin out the new ink, seein if the waters are nice and if a nice long swim is in order! Right On!



Recycled Pack Stash Box Project

Product. Stash Box with working hinge + hidden compartments. Handmade. Just send 2 bucks (unpainted) or 5 bucks (painted, not pictured) and 26 empty cigarette packs! (perferably not 100's or wides, or anything weird or special. i'll figure it out, but try to stick with uniformity).

Now i know this may seem odd, but if you could do me a favor and save some spare change and find your chain smoking friend and help my little recycling project.

if you are interested, email me at for shipping information or any other questions.

I URGE anyone who reads this entry to SHARE IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS! I'm working with very limited social and technological tools, so i need everyones help. Use facebook, twitter, stumbleupon, myspace, i dont care! Any help is accepted.

P.S. handmade sticker packs soon?

much love



Breakfast is damn good. Oh yeah i still dont have internet, this is all done through my phone, therefore i have no way to actually see my page. If you are a fan reading this, THANKS! Hope you dig the stuff enough to show your friends! ill head somewhere with wifi soon. Stay Happy.

Not too recent, but a design i did on my macbook i never photographed. Not too bad?

"In this world we have not a lack of great ideas, but a lack of individuals ready and able to pursue such ideas."

After meditating most of this morning, that was one of the first things that popped in my head.



So i no longer have internet access at my apartment, but i can still send updates to this. I really have no way to view or edit this page other than sending in new posts.
Hopefully at some point i will get internet again, and probably at that point i'll have a bunch of new stuff.

Anyway, keep checkin back cause there will still be all kinds of new stuff. Thanks for reading and checking out my stuff!



Just banged this out last night. Got a little too high, had a bit too much coffee, but this is what came out of it. Delicious?


My Flickr!

I just uploaded a bunch of stuff onto my Flickr

Much better quality than what i have on here, so check it out.


Good 'ol Dinner

Oh tasty noodle,
With your broth and taste so kind,
Oh simplicity.


Artwork Sale

People here and there.

There is an art sale, going on at this very moment. Head over to my etsy page because a bunch of my stuff is only 5 dollars. plusss shipping of course.

Check it, anddd do d do it


Exploration 8/4/09

Today, i was following a trail i found toward Union. It brought me right along side an abandoned factory complex. From what i could see there was about 3 different buildings.

One building was a long hanger style warehouse. It was pretty torn up, metal had been torn off the buildings exterior to construct jumps or barriers, most of which had been destroyed or dismantled.

The whole exterior and interior has been bombed by no names, and some familiar tags. Most done in a pretty shotty manner. Lots of empty space (I haven't yet determined the level of danger in exploring this place).

All other pictures from this set can be found on my Twitter! I'm heading back very soon to explore, so there will be more pictures of this new place soon!